What is the WEEE directive?
The WEEE Directive came into force on the 1st July 2007 and placed obligations upon users and producers to handle their electronic and electrical waste more carefully. Such waste can no longer simply be placed in landfill as targets have been set by the European Parliament for Member States to recover certain percentages of their waste via recycling facilities. The legislation is now passed in the UK and Statutory Instrument 3289 is published.
The legislation is very different between B2C (Business to Consumer) and B2B (Business to Business) routes to market. For B2C, businesses are required to join or operate a “take back” scheme. For B2B, businesses can make their own arrangements as appropriate (3289, REGULATION 9). Solite Europe only supply B2B. In order to regulate manufacturers and control their methods for compliance with legislation all businesses must have joined a Compliance Scheme by 15th March 2007.
All luminaires supplied directly by Solite incorporate a WEEE levy charge to cover cost of disposal at end of life. Solite Europe’s WEEE obligation is regulated, monitored and discharged by Lumicom. Our Environment Agency registration number is WEE/KC0206VY.